Saturday, April 3, 2010

What do you think? (San 50)

Today's Daf speaks about the 4 method's of capital punishment and the predominant crime that leads to them. Here is the majority opinion about the order of severity.
  1. Stoning - done to a blasphemer and idol worshiper
  2. Burning - done to priest's daughter who commits adultery
  3. Beheading - done to members of a town who go to apostasy and idolatry
  4. Strangling - done to one who strikes their father or mother
    Which do you think is the worst crime?

    1 comment:

    1. Is it just me or is it really odd that the rabbis determine which punishment is the harshest based on the crime? Seems backwards. I would think first determine which method of punishment is the harshest and then figure out why certain crimes are considered more harsh than others...

      anyway, i think burning would be the worst way to be executed but I think the worst crime is probably striking your father or mother.
